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Instructions to enter your information in the Artist Directory:

Artist Directory listings are free to all members.  Click here to become a member.   You may also sign up for a free 6 month listing, or purchase a listing in the directory for $2 a month ($12 for 6 months).   

For a 6 month free listing or to purchase a listing, check the correct box to the right to create a profile in the database.  Then follow the instructions below.    

To create a listing: 
1.       Once you have created a profile, either by becoming a member or signing up for a listing, click on “login” in the upper right corner. 

2.       Sign in with your email address and enter your password. 

3. a. Once you have logged in,  click on your name in the upper right corner.  This will bring you to your profile.  
*Click on “edit profile”
*Go to the field “artist directory” and click YES, indicating that you would like to be included in the artist directory.
*Enter the information you would like included in the directory in the following fields:
Artist biography, art description, artist email, arts website, artist contact phone #, and art image. 
You only need to enter the information into the fields that you wish to be included in your listing. 
*When you are done entering the information, click SAVE. 

Having trouble?  You are welcome to give us a call at (336) 694-4474 or email and we'll be happy to help. 


If you have never set up a password, you will need to click “forgot password” and you will be sent a link in your email to reset the password to something you can remember. 

If the system does not recognize your email, it is possible that we do not have your email address on file.  Some members who have been with us for a long time do not have email addresses in their profile.  Please call us and we can add your email address to our database. 

If you do not have an email address, just give us a call at (336) 694-4474 and we can help you to set it up on our end.

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